SkillFacilitate discussion
Definition: Facilitation is a technique used by trainers to help learners acquire, retain, and apply knowledge and skills. Participants are introduced to content and then ask questions while the trainer fosters the discussion, takes steps to enhance the experience for the learners, and gives suggestions.
They do not, however, do the work for the group; instead, they guide learners toward a specific learning outcome.
Purpose:To assists the group in identifying and solving problems by structuring discussion and intervention when it is necessary to improve the efficiency of the group’s processes and results.
Description:The provision of opportunities, resources, encouragement, and support for the group to succeed in achieving its objectives and to do this through enabling the group to take control and responsibility for the way they proceed.
Knowledge:The basic skills of a facilitator are about following good meeting practices:
– timekeeping,
– following an agreed-upon agenda, and keeping a clear record.
The higher-order skills involve watching the group and its individuals in light of group dynamics.

In addition, facilitators also need a variety of listening skills including the ability to:
– paraphrase;
– stack a conversation;
– draw people out;
– balance participation;
– and make space for more reticent group members.
Abilities:1. Support individuals within a group in understanding their common objectives.
2. Help people collectively move through a process.
3. Structure conversations and apply appropriate group facilitation techniques to keep discussions effective.
4. Foster participation and get people to come up with ideas, thoughts, and perspectives that add value.
5. Get all individuals in the room to feel like they are in a group with a shared interest.
Tips for teachers:1. Stay content-neutral. Focus on the process and avoid the temptation to offer opinions on the topic of discussion.
2. Listen actively.
3. Ask questions.
4. Paraphrase to clarify.
5. Synthesize ideas.
6. Maintain focus by setting specific directions for each discussion
7. Give and receive feedback.
8. Write down precisely the ideas and final decisions that have arisen.
8. Summarize clearly and accurately.
Sources / resources

Facilitate discussion