Sever weather crash course Description Through the activity, students will learn interesting facts about raindrops, monsoons, why it is raining…Under the provided link you get the content video for the activity: activity will trigger their critical thinking and creativity. NOTE:
Rain and Floods facts
Rain and Floods facts Description Use the provided link and write on the board the following topics:– How does rain form?– What causes rain?– How big is a raindrop?…– Ask the students what they think about the topics, which will
Blue sky experiment
Blue sky experiment Description Story:Just like in the atmosphere, the mixture scatters more of the blue wavelength than any other colon. ’ why the sky is blue! At sunrise or at sunset, there is even more scattering taking place due
Economy Time Machine
Economy Time Machine Description The Climate Change Time Machine is a standout interactive feature of the site that feeds the scientific inquiry process. Users can go backward and forward through time to visually see evidence of how Earth has changed
Econnomy/Fish or Famine?
Fish or Famine? Description The aim, Students will understand food scarcity and unequal distribution through a simple, yet concrete demonstration.Ask students to think about a meal they have had at home. Ask them to think of a time when they
Aquatic Ecosystems/Sea Level rise
Sea – Level rise Description Sea level rise is caused by several different processes, including melting ice. But one big contributor to sea level rise is increasing global temperatures, which heat seas and cause something called the thermal expansion of
Aquatic ecosystems/Make a Water Filter
Make a Water Filter Description Design and build a device that can clean a dirty water sample using materials around your home. You’ll follow the same design process used by NASA engineers and scientists when they developed the water filtration
Aquatic ecosystems/Corals
CORAL BLEACHING Description Coral bleaching? What’s that?!A reef is a big group of rocks on the ocean floor, but did you know that a coral reef is actually alive and covered with very small animals called corals? These animals glue
Air pollution/Biosphere
BIOSPHERE Description Notes – Students will follow directions to create a biosphere that is self-sustaining. Evaluation will be based on the creation of the biosphere and the ability for it to continue to grow and thrive for at least one
Air pollution
Air pollution refers to the release of pollutants into the air that is detrimental to human health and the planet as a whole.