Time needed for the activity:10 – 15 Minutes
Students profile/age of the student:10-12 years old…
Climate change topicFood and drinking shortages 
Connected subject in the curriculumBiology, Science, Any class
Skills and competencies to be developedContent knowledge, Analytical skills, Problem solving 

Terminology, keywordsMeal, food
Teaching techniques and tools:storytelling, discussion
Methodological recommendations for the implementationSome students may need prompting to complete follow up discussion.
Materials needed:Gold fish crackers (or any item that easily fits in a bowl)

Materials offered

Activity description, instructions for teachers

Ask students to think about a meal they have had at home. Ask them to think of a time when they did not have enough, if this has ever been a problem. Ask them to think about how it would feel if there was never enough food.

Have two bowls of crackers (or whatever food is chosen) ready.

Begin by handing the first bowl to the first student and explain that they may take as many crackers as they want and then pass it to the next person (but do not yet eat the crackers).

Have them continue to pass the bowl, even if the crackers run out.

Now have students pass a second bowl, but each can only take a certain number of crackers.

Keep each pile separate on their desks.

Encourage a discussion on how each group felt. Was it better when everyone shared or when people took what they wanted? How can this be applied to behaviors outside the classroom or should it? Can this concept be applied to anything (other resources) than food?

Additional links:

Food and drinking shortage/Fish or Famine?