Photo by Greg from Pexels

Causes of extreme weather

1. Activate students prior knowledge about extreme weather on earth:
  • Ask them what they know about extreme weather
  • Let  them brainstorm what they saw in the magazine, TV, movies
  • Everyone should write a weather-related word on the board with the marker provided
  • Encourage them to use words like flood, blizzard, tornado, lightning…
2. Show them a photo gallery and video of extreme weather:
  • Observe the photos tell them to take notes of what they see, provide help if needed, then show them the National Geographic video Weather 101, and explain what is shown.
  • Let them add related words on the board to the others.
  • Explain that some words on the board are weather events and some words are part of these weather events like( a lightning storm is a weather event).
  • Ask them which words on the board are part of weather events.
3. Have students complete the worksheet Weather investigation
  • Print Weather Investigation Worksheet
  • Let students complete the worksheet for weather events like an ice storm, hail storm, flood, tornado, thunderstorm, dust storm, blizzard… (allow them to find their severe weather conditions to foster critical thinking and comprehension)
  • Let students gather information from the board and their notes to connect them to the weather events provided, help if needed
4. Discuss the ingredients of extreme weather events
  • How are the ingredients of extreme weather events the same and how they are different
  • Help students identify that many weather events have certain ingredients in common like wind, clouds, high or low temperature…
  • In addition, let students orally present examples of extreme weather and their ingredients
METEO – Activity