
In this section, you will find general information about the lessons for the teacher to be able to have a successful lesson.

Connected topic(s): Science, , geography
Terminology, keywords Climate Change,
Livable World
Skills and competencies to be developed Teachers will see how students discuss each other and their comments and criticisms.
Teaching techniques and tools: warm-up activities
some energizer,
teaching after Ice Break Games.
Methodological recommendations for the implementation Ecosystem changes etc,, our problems in the world. But we have never think,never any solution for them.Create awareness among our students and among their family. Create more activities in our lesson and out of lesson activities. We have to provide to meet them in reality. We have to show real life and real nature during the childhood.
When they will get elder also they will understand what is so important for them and for all.

Taking care of the emotional impact on the children
WILD Teacher Instructions